Using Blending Options

Blending Options allow the user to create additional effects for the image when the filters or adjustment commands are used.

  • "Normal" - Edits or paints each pixel to make the result in color.
  • "Average" - Commutative mode base and blend color can be swapped.
  • "Multiply" - When the user paints with a color other than black or white, then the successive strokes with a painting tool produce progressively darker colors.
  • "Screen" - Looks at each channelÆs color information and multiplies the inverse of the blend with base colors.
  • "Darken" - Pixels lighter than the blend color will be replaced. Pixels darker than the blend color will stay the same.
  • "Lighten" - Pixels darker than the blend color will be replaced. Pixels lighter than the blend color will stay the same.
  • "Difference" - Looks at the color information in each channel and subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greater brightness value.
  • "Overlay" - The base color will be not replaced, but it is mixed with the blend color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the original color.
  • "Hard Light" - Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend color.
  • "Soft Light" - Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color.
  • "Dodge" - Looks at the color information in each channel and brightens the base color to reflect the blend color by decreasing the contrast.
  • "Burn" - Some kind of inverted screen mode (the multiplication is replaced by the division of the "inverse").
  • "Quadratic" - Variation of a reflect mode (base and blend color are swapped).
  • "Additive" - Gray blend colors do not change the background, brighter or darker colors make the background brighter or darker.
  • "Interpolation" - Combines multiply and screen modes (looks very similar for very dark or bright colors). The cosine function is used for calculation, similarly to a cosine interpolation algorithm.
  • "Xor" - mathematical operation XOR between input and output colors.
  • "And" - mathematical operation AND between input and output colors.
  • "Or" - mathematical operation OR between input and output colors.